2023 District 1 Communicator

2023 District 1 Communicator

Jonathan Fonseca
Digital Marketing Specialist
Cape Cod Community College
West Barnstable, MA

As the digital marketing specialist at Cape Cod Community College (4Cs), Jonathan Fonseca thrives in the digital realm, crafting captivating videos, mastering social media strategies, and managing the college’s online presence. His unwavering mission is to unveil the exceptional value of 4Cs as a prominent institution of higher education.

Since joining 4Cs in 2022, Fonseca has made a dramatic difference in the way the college communicates to students, prospective students and the communities it serves. Overseeing the college’s social media and web content strategy, he has overhauled and modernized social communications and content tactics that have turned 4Cs into a national thought leader in the space. With a relentless dedication to effective recruitment strategies that leverage real students and authentic messaging, he has changed the college’s public image for the better in a remarkably short amount of time.

Like any good marketer, Fonseca is competitive. That means he is constantly looking at what other colleges are doing and using their work as case studies for what not to do or learning from them to make 4Cs’ content better. With a national perspective, he has delivered local and national presentations on how to leverage digital communications to impact enrollment and improve branding and reputation. 

Those who know Fonseca know he rarely lacks an opinion on community college communications. With a fiery passion for the work, he is always talking to colleagues across the country about how 4Cs can continue to evolve and get better.

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