Design Flexibility Within Your College's Brand Guidelines

Eric Wheeler, Director of Creative Services, and Debbie Benz, Visual Design Specialist, Cuyahoga Community College, OH
Broadcast Date: January 23, 2019
Designers and other creative professionals understand the importance of adhering to your college’s brand guidelines. But if we’re being honest, it can also be tedious and lead to designer boredom and burnout. So how do you maintain a cohesive look for your college while also trying to squeeze the most design flexibility out of your brand guidelines? This 90-minute webinar by members of the creative team at Cuyahoga Community College examines how to use typography, color, photography and design aesthetic to maximize the sometimes-limiting nature of a brand. It will showcase specific strategies used at Cuyahoga that can be implemented at your college to inject new life into your visual identity while also renewing interest and enthursiasm among those on your creative staff.
Duration: 1:39:17
Cost to view: $99.00