2018 District 5 Communicator

2018 District 5 Communicator

Heather McDorman
Vice President for Marketing and Student Life
St. Charles Community College
Cottleville, MO

Over the past 29 years, Heather McDorman has made an indelible mark on St. Charles Community College and the higher education marketing profession. She continuously works to ensure that marketing and communications professionals are at the leadership table. She’s kept a steady hand on the SCC marketing communication tiller, navigating through the tsunami of community college marketing changes. From harnessing the power of the college’s early websites to embracing social media to deciphering the ever-changing media landscape, Heather has been at the forefront, serving four college presidents and mentoring dozens of aspiring communicators along the way.

As for the big projects on campus, Heather's incluence is evident. Her accomplishments include shepherding two college rebranding efforts, leading government relations to expand the college’s taxing district, overseeing two full website redesigns in addition to the college’s first intranet portal, and chairing an annual community wellness event.

When during a college realignment, some in the ranks were unsure of her ability to learn the intricacies of a new department, Heather rolled up her sleeves. She demonstrated her signature leadership style by learning the various job functions, identifying opportunities and more – all with a fair dose of compassion and humility. With the grace of a figure skater, she quickly went from “new kid on the block” to trusted resource and leader.

Heather is a passionate advocate for our profession. In addition to being active in PRSA and the Missouri Community College Association, she is a bona fide NCMPR rock star. She is a regular presenter at district and national conferences, she’s written for the Council, and has completed the full arc of NCMPR leadership roles from district director to past president, serving as president in 2010-11.

Through NCMPR, Heather provides her staff the opportunity to experience higher ed marketing beyond SCC’s four walls. She encourages them to submit a healthy number of Medallion and Paragon entries as a vote of confidence in their abilities, and to add to the kudos box – currently chock-full of nearly 100 Medallions and 20 Paragons. When a question arises about a how to tackle a challenge, she is quick to reply, ‘Have you asked your NCMPR colleagues?” reminding them of the valuable resource mere keystrokes away.

[I know this firsthand because my own NCMPR journey began with Heather. When I came to my first national conference in Austin back in 2006, I was a little wallflower who didn’t know a soul. She sent me instructions ahead of the conference to seek her out at the newcomer reception. So… I did. After exchanging pleasantries, she introduced me to a goofy guy from a place called Butler Community College. That guy? Dewey Price. If Heather has any regrets in her career, that matchmaking session may be the one. I’m not entirely sure how she managed to keep our little crew of D5 raconteurs from going off the rails, but she did. Heather always got the jokes, always had the fun, but she was ALWAYS the grownup in the room, And I am better off for it. Now 13 years later, I’ve finally learned the ropes just enough for the board to allow me follow in her footsteps as District 5 director. If I’m able to be half the leader you are, I will judge myself a smashing success. I am so happy that I get to be the one who gets to present you with this award.]

Ladies and gentlemen, St Charles Community College is better, higher ed marketing is better, and more importantly, the world is better because of Heather. I am so honored to call her a mentor, a colleague, and a dear friend. Please join me in recognizing Heather McDorman as 2018 NCMPR District 5 Communicator of the Year.

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