Helpful info, resources and colleagues
December 9, 2019

Entering the community college world in 2014 from a very different industry, I needed immediate help decoding the world of higher education. I joined Community Colleges of Spokane as the public information officer, an executive cabinet role overseeing marketing and communications for a very large community college district in eastern Washington state. My background was serving in a similar role in the port authority world (airplanes, shipping terminals and real estate development) and, before that, working as a newspaper reporter for a decade.
None of my past experience taught me about faculty unions, enrollment pushes, student retention and ways to attract mid-career adult learners. At my first NCMPR regional conference, I felt as if someone had thrown me lifeline with essential information, useful resources and, most importantly, friendly colleagues who were happy to share their ideas and insights. That was multiplied at a NCMPR national conference, where I drank from the firehose of outstanding information and education.
During the past five years, I have discovered amazing, talented and generous professionals at NCMPR, many of whom I now consider friends. It is a great place to share ideas, learn best practices and build important professional connections.
By Carolyn Casey
Chief Institutional Advancement Officer
Community Colleges of Spokane
Spokane, WA