The Privilege of Getting Involved in NCMPR
May 29, 2018

NCMPR is known for its outstanding opportunities to connect through volunteerism. Whether it is helping to coordinate a district conference, writing a blog post, giving a presentation, managing an awards program, or other tasks…NCMPR provides opportunities to "plug in" to a community of communicators who are united in their dedication to the community and technical college mission.
But in my experience, NCMPR provides so much more than that. As a past national president of this organization, I want to share with you the privilege that comes with getting involved in NCMPR.
Serving as president was a big job. It meant a year of stewarding a national board as well as coordinating a conference for close to 500 members. It meant taking time away from my daily tasks in my home college, and investing significant effort in a myriad of writing, speaking, coordinating, designing and other heavy lifts to fulfill my obligation. But with every task I undertook “on behalf” of NCMPR, I found the benefits that came back to me personally were far, far greater.
NCMPR gave me a national forum to be a personal champion of community colleges. I was given a singular opportunity—truly, probably one of the highest points of my professional life—to step into a spotlight that challenged me to grow as a communicator, and connected me to a web of leaders throughout the country. It was humbling and exhilarating. And directly because of NCMPR, doors have opened for me to continue occupying this space.
Maybe your choice to get involved in NCMPR will be more direct or more local…and that’s outstanding. We need you! But what I can tell you is, at whatever level you choose to participate, your volunteerism can mean more than a helping hand to your colleagues…it can be your stepping stone to a platform of leadership that goes far beyond your own college.
Being an NCMPR volunteer is an opportunity for you to discover deeper and more impactful ways to serve higher education. It is an acknowledgment of your own abilities as a communicator. It is emblematic of your commitment to community colleges – a commitment that is visible to people beyond your immediate network.
Here’s the thing: Students in higher education need ALL OF US to do our part as communicators to continue paving the way to success. I am deeply thankful that NCMPR is here to provide us with the privilege of doing just that.
By Jennifer Boehmer
Executive Director of Institutional Advancement
Linn-Benton Community College
Albany, OR